Lethbridge Steel is looking for coaches and board members for their upcoming season. If you have knowledge in the game of football, this opportunity could be for you! For the role as a board member, various tasks include fundraising, player recruitment, secretary, game day coordinator, and social media manager. If you are interested, please view the postings below!

Lethbridge Steel is looking for coaches and board members!

Lethbridge Steel is looking for coaches and board members for their upcoming season. If you have knowledge in the game of football, this opportunity could be for you! For the role as a board member, various tasks include fundraising, player recruitment, secretary, game day coordinator, and social media manager. If you are interested, please view the postings below!

Sport Volunteer Hub
by Lethbridge Sport Council

110 Columbia Blvd W
PO Box 21090
Lethbridge, AB T1K 6X4

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